15+ years of experience

Beauty Hacks: Oily Skin

woman wiping her oily skin with a towel after washing face considering Wheaton oily skin treatmentBefore trying anything listed below, be sure to check in with a professional for evaluation of your skin type. To get some home guidance, read our Identify Your Skin Type post for pointers on what your skin is saying.

Feel like you’re constantly washing your face and still finding an oil slick? Put down the washcloth and step away from the sink. It’s time to discover home care that gets to the root of the problem, not temporary fixes that may ultimately cause even more oil production. Our skin care hacks for excessive oil are below.

If you’re looking for some help implementing these into your routine, get in touch for a consultation and personalized guidance. While general guidelines can be helpful, there’s no substitute for expert care. Don’t rob yourself of clear, confident skin – reach out today.

 Why Is My Skin So Oily?

No matter how you might feel about it, oil is actually a good thing. The skin produces oils to help ensure its own health and protection. But sometimes your skin can overdo oil production. Most individuals with oily skin inherited that tendency from their parents. Many also see oiliness as a result of hormonal fluctuations, with the skin beginning to produce additional oil during puberty. The extra oil can continue to be secreted well into adulthood. It may also be seasonal, increasing during humid weather.

Some positives behind oily skin – you’re less likely to age prematurely, and you don’t have to worry about supplying your skin with missing moisture. After all, it’s almost always easier to reduce something than create it. But reduced aging isn’t always preferable when it’s accompanied by oil-related issues like acne.

Improve Oily Skin at Home: What to Embrace

  • Cleansing – Wash your face both morning and night, but keep things on the gentle side. Harsh soaps can actually lead the skin to increase oil, which is the last thing you want. And don’t rub your skin with a washcloth or sponge, which can have similar problems with oil stimulation. If regular cleansers aren’t doing the trick, use a cleanser with an acne-fighting acid, but test a small area of your skin first to make sure it’s not irritating to you. Last, wash with warm water only (not hot) to avoid stripping your skin of oils entirely (which will only trigger more).
  • Toning – Different dermatologists hold varied feelings on the effectiveness of toners. But using them on oily areas like the T-zone can help spot-treat and prevent drying out non-oily areas.
  • Blotting – Blotting papers remove unwanted oil without drying out your skin. They’re convenient and unobtrusive, and easy to use. Simply press against oily areas for 15-20 seconds, then dispose of them.
  • Moisturizing – While adding moisture might seem counterintuitive, moisturizing properly will help your skin stay healthy. Use an oil-free moisturizer and apply more lightly to especially oily areas. Conversely, some individuals actually find success moisturizing with oil – don’t rule out what might work for you!
  • Medicating – Medicated pads containing salicylic acid or glycolic acid are great for on-the-go oil-reduction.
  • Adapting – Pay attention to how your skin is changing, and adjust your skin care accordingly. For example, in the summer, you might need more oil-combating measures to cope with increased production.

Get Serious about Oily Skin: Professional Treatments

While the steps mentioned above will make a difference, they may not have the more dramatic results you’re hoping to achieve. For significant changes, you’ll want to explore your in-office options. The treatments listed below will all help improve acne and acne scars, shrink large pores responsible for excessive oil, and curb overall oil production.

Get in touch to get oil under control!