15+ years of experience

6 Benefits of Ultherapy For Under the Eyes

Ultherapy under eye treatment

Ultherapy is a non-surgical skin tightening treatment that utilizes ultrasound waves to reduce skin laxity, and it’s one of the only FDA-cleared treatments safe enough to be used under the eyes. This treatment has numerous benefits and advantages over other surgical and non-surgical procedures for reducing the signs of aging.

Here are the top six benefits of Ultherapy for targeting loose, wrinkled skin under the eyes.

#1 – Almost Anyone Is An Ideal Ultherapy Candidate

Regardless of if you’re a man or a woman looking to tighten rejuvenated skin, you’re likely an ideal candidate for Ultherapy. Patients of every age, gender, and skin tone can benefit from ultrasound therapy. Ultherapy treatments can significantly reduce common signs of aging, including skin laxity. Additionally, treatments are also a powerful preventative treatment for eliminating the signs of aging before they ever appear. While most people looking for anti-aging treatments are in their 30’s30’s and 40’s40’s, Ultherapy treatments are also gaining in popularity for those in their 20’s20’s looking to prevent aging and keep skin looking young.

#2 – Ultherapy Is Safe For the Most Sensitive Areas of the Body

Ultrasound therapy is incredibly safe, making it effective for treating even the body’s most sensitive areas. Unlike many other skin tightening treatments, Ultherapy can be successfully used to treat the skin around and under the eyes and eyelids. Ultherapy is one of the few treatments that the FDA has cleared for treating sensitive areas around the eyes.

Treatments are effective for tightening sagging eyelids and eliminating bags under the eyes. Loose skin from aging or weight loss on the neck and chest can also be efficiently treated with Ultherapy sessions. Whether you’re looking to reduce wrinkles and lines on the body or reduce laxity after weight loss, Ultherapy can help provide you with tight and smooth skin on almost any area of the body.

#3 – The List of Anti-Aging Benefits Is Long

Ultherapy is most commonly known for the anti-aging benefits it offers to patients. Ultrasound waves work to increase collagen production, which leaves you with naturally smoother, tighter, firmer skin. The treatment works below the skin’s surface, which provides benefits similar to those from a facelift.

Anti-aging benefits from Ultherapy treatments include:

  • Reduced frown lines
  • Tightened skin along the jawline
  • Tightened skin laxity in the cheeks
  • Reduced marionette lines
  • Eliminated smokers lines
  • Tightened under-eye bags
  • Eliminated forehead wrinkles
  • Reduced nasolabial folds
  • Elimination of hooded eyelids
  • Eliminated crows feet

#4 – Treatments Are Non-Surgical

Ultherapy can be an excellent alternative for those who are not ready to undergo surgical skin tightening. If you are not ready to commit the time and money but want long-lasting tight and lifted skin, ultrasound therapy may be the best treatment. Surgical facelift and tummy tuck procedures were once the only way to get long-lasting tight skin, but now you can have similar results with non-surgical ultrasound treatment.

#5 – Typically, One Session Is All You Need

Unlike other skin tightening treatments that require monthly or seasonal touch-ups to maintain your results, Ultherapy results last approximately one year. After one year, you may want to return for a touch-up session to maintain your skin tightness. The collagen will once again be stimulated, and your skin texture and tightness will be improved for another year.

Every person has slight skin and collagen production differences, so your results may last more or less than one year. You can experience optimal and prolonged results by taking good care of your skin, following a skin-healthy diet, and avoiding sun exposure.

#6 – Results Are Gradual and Natural

Ultherapy patients rave about how gradual and natural their results appear. Gradual changes become noticeable in two to three months after treatment. Not only will the texture and tightness of your skin be improved, but the changes are so gradual that no one will be left wondering if you’ve had work done. Your results should peak around the six-month mark following treatment when your desired skin tightness is achieved. At this point, collagen production slows to a more normal rate. While you will no longer continue to see improvements, your skin will remain tight and rejuvenated for months after collagen production peaks.

If you’re ready to tighten your skin and eliminate common signs of aging without invasive surgery or downtime, contact Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa today to schedule a consultation.