15+ years of experience

Choosing Your Perfect Lip Filler Shape

Perfect Lip Filler Shape

Lip fillers have become increasingly popular because it’s never been easier to alter your natural lips’ look, feel, and shape. Lip fillers can create many different lip shapes depending on where and how the filler is injected into the lips.

Deciding on your lip shape should be mainly based on what style suits your facial features most. Read on to learn more information on lip fillers and advise which shape is your perfect match.

Popular Lip Filler Shapes and Styles

The Classic 

This lip augmentation style offers a subtle result while producing a distinctive formation of all the natural planes that already exist in the lips. Patients who have lost lip volume through aging find this style to be ideal, in addition to anyone who wants their results to be subtle. The classic style works well for most patients.

The Rubina

Rubina lips are defined as the full expression of the five natural places in the lips. Rubina lips are heavily dependent on the patient’s facial structure looking to achieve this specific look. A person must have enough length to their face from the bottom of the nose to the chin to have this be an appealing style.

The Cupid

The cupid lip shape has a youthful appearance. The cupid lip form gets its name from the prominent cupid formation in preadolescent females.

The Pearlique

This lip enhancement style accentuates the lower lip, explicitly focusing on the two teardrops that form after injection. Pearlique is achieved by accenting the two teardrop shapes to a more youthful, voluminous effect. Since pearlique is isolated to the lower lip, it can be used in combination with other looks like the cupid or rubina.

The Hollywood

Ideal for women looking to bring attention to their lips without a full presentation of the upper and lower lip, the Hollywood style has become increasingly popular over the years. This style is frequently seen in many celebrities because it accentuates all three upper lip forms, which are the two tapering rhomboid shapes and the cupids bow in the center of the upper lip.

The Angel

Another full expression of the upper lip is the angelic form. This lip formation potentiates the upper lip’s lateral borders, explicitly focusing on the center areas. Patients with fuller lip volume in the upper lip can use this look in combination with a narrow lip length to elongate and shape the upper lip like an angel’s wings.

Know Which Lip Area(s) You Want To Change

Learning about your lip anatomy before attending filler appointments will help you to correctly describe the specific parts of your lips that you’re looking to change. Many patients wish to enhance their cupid’s bow or the upper lip’s middle curvature, while other patients are looking to decrease the cupid’s bow to create a smoother overall look. Knowing and understanding the proper terminology will help you in describing to your provider exactly how you’d like your lips to look after injections.

Bring Photos of Lips You Love

Bringing a photo in with you of how you’re hoping your lips will look after filler will help give your provider an idea of the lip shapes you like and what you’re looking to change about your existing lip shape. If your goal is to alter your lips’ existing shape, size, or proportions, find photos online and bring them with you to your appointment. If your goal is to look more like you did when you were younger, bring yourself a photo when you were younger. This will also help your provider determine where your “trouble spots” are.

Set Realistic Expectations

While photos can be helpful, it’s essential to understand what lip fillers can and cannot do for your lips. The goal should always be to enhance your natural lip structure, not to change it completely. At Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa, we always recommend patients sit down with a provider before getting the lips injected. This step allows you to set realistic expectations and discuss your goals in detail.

If you’re ready to find the perfect lip shape for your face, contact Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa today to schedule a consultation.