15+ years of experience

It’s Time to Step Up Your Sun Protection

Woman applying sunscreen in the summer.

Summer is here and if you’re not ready, the sun can wreak havoc on your skin. Read on to find out why you should protect your skin, what products we recommend, and some cosmetic treatments that are summer-sun approved.

Why Sun Protection is So Important

We all know that too much time in the sun without sunscreen can result in a painful sunburn as well as an increased risk of skin cancer. But there are other reasons to avoid the damaging effects of the sun. Several cosmetic issues can occur with excessive sun exposure as well.

Older-Looking Skin

Sun damage can prematurely age skin. Repeated sun exposure can cause skin to take on a leathery texture over time and can increase the instance of wrinkles and fine lines. Wearing sunscreen daily can prevent the sun’s aging effects.


Aptly named, “sun spots” can also be caused by spending a lot of time in the sun without protection. These spots appear as darkened areas on the face and also on parts of the body most often exposed to the sun. Like wrinkles, sun spots can be prevented with diligent sunscreen use.


A serious sunburn can increase risks and be very unpleasant. And if the sunburn is severe enough, it can cause blistering of the skin. Blisters have the potential to leave long-lasting scars. Avoid sunburns by always applying sunscreen when outdoors. Continue to apply throughout the day.

Redness and Inflammation

Redness and puffiness of the skin are signs of inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury. As the sun causes skin damage, your skin may become inflamed. Inflammation can be worse if you have sensitive skin or a skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea. To combat inflammation, choose a gentle, high-quality sunscreen.

Enter Summer With the Right Products

Choosing high-quality products is essential to achieving and maintaining your optimal summer skin. At Radiance Skincare & Laser MedSpa, we carry a carefully curated selection of products to recommend to our patients. As a bonus, these products have skincare benefits above and beyond sun protection.


Alastin offers two options for broad-spectrum sun protection. The HydraTint Pro Mineral Broad Spectrum Sunscreen has an SFP of 36. This all-mineral sunscreen also hydrates like a moisturizer and has a touch of tint to act as a lightweight replacement to your foundation. This formula is also water-resistant.

Another option is Alastin’s SilkSHIELD All Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30. This formulation does not have a tint and acts as an effective moisturizer with anti-aging benefits. It is incredibly gentle and can be ideal for use on sensitive skin or if you have recently had a cosmetic skin treatment.


The Essential Defense collection includes tinted and transparent options, mineral formulations, and the Everyday Clear formula for oily or combination skin. These sunscreens provide heavy-duty sun protection but are lightweight and gentle on the skin.

If you want a product that does double duty, the Total Defense and Repair line also offers advanced UVA and UVB protection with the added benefits of improving sun-damaged skin and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles with repeated use.

Sun Safe MedSpa Treatments

Some cosmetic treatments are not recommended if you are likely to spend time in the sun. There are, however, plenty of safe options to consider. We offer the following treatments that won’t keep you hiding indoors during the summer months. Of course, you should still always wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun.


Unlike certain light-based skin resurfacing treatments, you do not need to avoid sun exposure after microneedling.

Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis targets deeper layers of the skin without damage to the upper layer. There is no downtime and no need to avoid going out in the sun.

Skin Tightening treatments such as Ultherapy, Thermage, and Exilis Ultra

These treatments employ radiofrequency and/or ultrasound technology to tighten the skin, which doesn’t result in any sensitivity to the sun.

Is Your Skin Ready for Summer?

Shop our summer skin care products or schedule a consultation for sun-safe treatments and get ready summer ready!