15+ years of experience

Naperville Neck Wrinkles Treatment

Our necks are so prominent – and so often hidden away due to premature aging. Stop building out your wardrobe with turtlenecks and find treatment that firms & tightens skin on the neck. Naperville neck wrinkles treatment could consist of one or more options – simply schedule a consultation and we can tell you more about what we recommend for your skin.

Treatment options like Ultherapy, Thermage, Exilis Ultra and Laser Genesis can lead to a younger-looking and younger-feeling neck. And all 4 are available at our Naperville-adjacent medspa. Pull up directions from your home or office on this map and you’ll see how conveniently located our office is. Before your consultation, learn more about why neck wrinkles may have formed and how to prevent them in the future – we have a primer below.

Why Neck Wrinkles Form

before and after ultherapy before and after ultherapy
before and after ultherapy before and after ultherapy
before and after ultherapy before and after ultherapy

The skin on the neck is especially sensitive, thin and delicate, and therefore more likely to show signs of age. As we age, connective tissues in the skin break down. The fat stored beneath also begins to deteriorate. As these two processes take hold, gaps in the skin form where there has been tissue damage. The skin then sags into these gaps, forming wrinkles on the surface.

A few factors can speed up this aging process, including:

  • Dehydration / dry skin – Make sure to stay hydrated and use appropriate moisturizers. If you tend to have oily skin, don’t skip this step – moisturizing is still important for minimizing wrinkles.
  • Smoking – Tobacco use damages the skin and hastens the breakdown of internal structures.
  • Sun exposure – The sun’s UV rays are incredibly dangerous for the skin, and speed up the aging processes mentioned above. Always wear sun protection on your face, neck, chest, and other exposed areas of skin. This will help you prevent both wrinkles and brown spots.

How to Tackle Neck Wrinkles The Right Way

You’ll need to consider a few approaches to truly conquer neck wrinkles. In order to see the best results, you should both stimulate collagen growth to repair existing damage and also hydrate your skin to plump up cells. This way, you’re targeting both internal structures and the more superficial layer.

Energy-based treatments like Ultherapy, Thermage, Exilis Ultra and Laser Genesis deliver heat deep within the skin to help encourage collagen production and cell turnover. These treatment options are unique because they are gentle enough to be used on the neck (unlike resurfacing lasers). All three lead to tighter, firmer skin with reduced wrinkles and improved skin tone and texture.

These treatments deliver energy deep within the dermis, where collagen is made. Your neck’s wrinkles and skin laxity will determine which is best for your needs. At your consultation, we’ll examine your neck and provide a digital complexion analysis, and recommend one or more treatments that will help you achieve your goals. Schedule your appointment today to get started!