15+ years of experience

Start Your Summer Skincare Prep Now

Woman With Suntan Lotion At The Beach In Form Of The Sun

Believe it or not, summer’s around the corner! And even though the Chicago spring can have a tendency to be more wintry than warm, now is the time to start preparing your skin. Make sure that the skin you’ll soon be revealing with bikinis and sundresses is gorgeous and glowing. Follow the steps below to get your skin in great shape – and get all the more excited for the start of the summer season.

Pre-Summer Steps to Get Glowing Skin

Exfoliate Regularly

Routine exfoliation will help keep your skin healthy no matter what time of year. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells and smooths your face, arms, and legs. There is a balance to be reached – outer, dead skin cells should be removed without the skin being stripped of healthy cells.

Find the method of exfoliation that works for you and stick with it. Brushes, cloths, scrubs, and loofahs can all be productive. Microdermabrasion is a great option for those looking for more noticeable results. When using a scrub, be sure to pick one that contains an exfoliating agent that dissolves (like salt or sugar) so that you don’t irritate the skin.

Say Goodbye to Problem Hair

There’s nothing worse that putting on your swimsuit and seeing frustratingly noticeable hairs at the bikini line. If you have dark hair, you know that shaving doesn’t make that much of a difference, with hairs reemerging almost right away. And waxing is also temporary, and has to be performed regularly with expensive treatments. Laser hair removal will allow you to say goodbye to unwanted hair without seeing it rear its ugly head again.

If you’re not interested in more permanent hair removal, be sure to give your skin a little extra care pre- and post-waxing. It’s a good idea to stay out of the sun for 2 days after waxing, as hair follicles can become irritated. Razors and wax make the skin extra sensitive. If you can’t avoid the sun, use sunscreen and a post-waxing product that will help prevent ingrown hairs.

Choose Sunburn-Fighting Foods

If you’re getting your skin gorgeous, you want to keep it that way. Make sure you protect it from the sun’s UV rays to keep it looking great into the fall. While sunscreen should always be worn (whether you think you need it or not), there are also other ways you can protect your skin. You can actually get sun protection from certain foods, namely cooked tomatoes. Because tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant, they can help reduce the effects of sunburn. Try getting some extra tomatoes before your next big beach day.

Fight Body Acne for Clear Skin

When it’s hot, you can’t cover up problem spots. Make sure acne-prone skin on the back, chest or elsewhere isn’t a problem. You can usually fight body acne the same way you do spots on the face. Exfoliate, don’t pick at blemishes, and use cleansers that will help reduce bacteria in your pores.

Use products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to remove dead skin cells and cleanse skin of bacteria that typically cause acne. Those with sensitive skin can try using a light tool that will kill bacteria where they reside. If you’re not seeing good results with home care, schedule a consultation to learn more about acne treatments that will help clear your skin.

Smooth Out Cellulite

Dimpled fat can keep even the most confident woman from wearing a swimsuit at the beach and leaves us all scrambling for cover-ups. Some products can temporarily help with cellulite, but they don’t accomplish long-term changes. If you’re interested in treating cellulite, Thermage can make a big difference to dimpled skin – schedule a consultation to learn more.