15+ years of experience

Ultherapy: The Ideal Treatment For a Sagging Neck & Jowls

Sagging neck and jowls Ultherapy

Are drooping jowls and sagging skin making you feel self-conscious about your appearance? As we age, skin loses elasticity, and as a result, we get jowls or sagging skin just below the chin or jawline. Most women and men will experience sagging jowls, to some degree, as they get older.

While aging is inevitable, modern technology is helping patients just like you treat and prevent sagging jowls before they happen. Ultherapy offers patients a non-surgical solution to treat mild to moderate skin laxity on the face, neck, and chest.

Sagging Jowls and Why They Happen

Sagging jowls are when the skin below the chin and along the jawline loosens and sags. As our bodies age, the skin loses several essential elements like elasticity, collagen, and the ability to retain water. The skin begins to thin and stretch as gravity takes hold. The extent of sagging jowls depends on two key factors: preventative measures and genetics. If your parents or grandparents struggled with sagging jowls, you’re more likely to suffer from them as well.

Doing your part to prevent sagging jowls will inevitably prolong the time it takes for them to appear. Many anti-aging treatments can successfully restore collagen and elasticity to help prevent sagging below the jawline, with one of the most effective treatments being Ultherapy.

How Ultherapy Can Help

Ultherapy is an FDA-approved non-surgical skin tightening treatment that uses ultrasound technology to lift and tighten skin on the neck, chin, and brow. Additionally, Ultherapy can also improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the decolletage.

Ultherapy stimulates collagen production by delivering focused ultrasound energy directly to the skin’s foundational layer without a single incision, anesthesia, or necessary downtime. Controlled thermal energy stimulates new collagen and elastin production, resulting in lifting, toning, and firming loose and sagging skin.

Other Possible Treatment Areas

Ultherapy treatments stimulate the skin from the inside out to smooth and tighten many areas, including the face, jowls, eyes, and brow. Ultherapy is also effective for lifting the skin on specific areas of the body, including the neck, chest, knees, and stomach. The best way to determine if Ultherapy is the ideal treatment for your skin concerns is to schedule a consultation with a reputable provider.

When To Expect Results

Only one Ultherapy treatment is usually needed to achieve noticeable and desirable results. While some immediate skin tightening can be seen, the real results happen over the next 3-6 months as new collagen forms and firms. The skin continues to rejuvenate and increase in elasticity. Because improvements aren’t immediate, gradual improvement gives patients entirely natural-looking results.

How Long Ultherapy Results Last

With just one 30-60 minute Ultherapy session, skin can be effectively rejuvenated on the face and jowls. Within a few months, patients can expect to see visible lifting, restoration of youthful contours, and a significant disappearance or reduction of double chins and loose jowls. Final results are revealed by six months, and you can expect results to last for upwards of two years.

Are You an Ideal Candidate?

Ultherapy’s collagen-boosting benefit makes it a very versatile treatment at any age. Not only will Ultherapy effectively reverse skin laxity in a patient’s 40’s and 50’s but it can also be used earlier to stimulate collagen production and prevent the signs of aging. For people in their 30’s, combining Ultherapy with other treatments such as Botox or other fillers will help optimize Ultherapy’s preventative capabilities.

During an Ultherapy consultation appointment, we will answer all your questions, speak to you about your skin concerns, and determine if Ultherapy will help you achieve your goals. To learn more about Ultherapy and if it’s the ideal treatment for your sagging jowls, contact Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa today.