15+ years of experience

How Many Treatments Does It Take To See Ultherapy Results?

Ultherapy results

Ultherapy is a non-surgical alternative to a facelift. This unique treatment offers incredible results by using ultrasound energy to stimulate the body’s natural collagen production and reverse signs of aging. While immediate results are not noticeable, visible changes to your appearance take three to six months to reveal the final results. Unlike other anti-aging treatments that require multiple sessions, the number of Ultherapy treatments necessary to see results may surprise you.

Ultherapy: The Natural Way to Lift and Firm

Our skin is made of many layers bound together with compounds to create a firm and youthful complexion. Collagen, a protein that helps our skin hold its structure, is one of the main compounds that create tight and firm skin. Our natural supply of collagen begins to decrease as we age, and our skin becomes lax and sagging. Following Ultherapy, our patients look years younger without ever enduring the pain and time commitment required when recovering from a facelift.

Ultherapy is an excellent option for regaining lost collagen by:

  • Replacing collagen lost through the natural process of aging
  • Reversing the signs of aging, including sagging, drooping, and loose skin
  • Stimulating your body’s natural collagen production levels

Most People Only Need One Ultherapy Treatment Session

Most patients will only require one Ultherapy session; however, some will benefit from additional treatments. The optimal number of treatments your skin needs will depend on how much laxity you have and how your body responds to the ultrasound and the collagen-building process. The number of treatment lines depends on the surface area of the lower face and mid-face, neck, and jowls. This number is typically around 400 to 750 lines of treatment, which will complete the neck and the whole face. In addition, age plays a factor.

It is recommended that patients return for additional Ultherapy treatment at the onset of skin laxity. Maintaining your results with additional treatments will help you achieve a natural appearance and avoid undergoing additional procedures to tighten your skin. After your first treatment, we will be able to establish how well your body responds to treatments. Follow-up appointments will then be scheduled based on your goals for the procedure and how long your results last.

Seeing Results Will Take Time

Ultherapy’s unique procedure works by triggering your body’s natural production of collagen. Over time, new collagen will gradually firm and lift your skin. The process of stimulating collagen production can take between three to six months. Following your initial treatment, you may see a minor difference in the firmness of your skin; however, significant changes in the firmness of your skin will appear in the months following your procedure.

How Long Will Results Last?

Ultherapy can treat the deep foundational layer addressed in cosmetic surgery; however, it will not duplicate the same results of a facelift. Ultherapy is an excellent alternative for patients who are not ready to commit to surgery or patients who are looking to extend the effects of cosmetic surgery. Since Ultherapy stimulates your collagen production, how long the results last ultimately depends on you. New collagen production will be stimulated on the inside, but your body’s natural aging process will ultimately dictate how long your results will be visible on the exterior.

Prolonging Your Treatment Results

With a proper skincare routine, your Ultherapy results can last for up to one year following treatment. It is advised to maintain a healthy skincare regimen, including the application of sunscreen and general care of your skin. It’s also important to keep in mind that results will vary with each person, so future touch-ups can help slow down the aging process if needed.

Is Ultherapy The Right Treatment For You?

Before beginning Ultherapy, our expert providers at Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa recommend patients first be seen for a consultation. During this appointment, you will be asked questions regarding your medical history, and an examination will be performed to determine if Ultherapy is the proper treatment for you.

While the effects of Ultherapy will not equal that of a facelift, many of our patients are so pleased with their results that they ultimately decide not to have a facelift. Ultherapy treatments can be continued for years as an excellent alternative to surgery. To learn more about the type of results you could expect from a single Ultherapy session, contact Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa today to schedule a consultation.