15+ years of experience

Pros and Cons of Thread Lifts

Pros and cons of thread lifts

One of people’s biggest areas of concern with the aging process is when their facial skin begins to droop and sag. While a traditional surgical facelift is often thought of as the ultimate treatment for correcting skin laxity in the face, many new technologies and non-surgical treatment options are available today that can provide you with a refreshed and youthful appearance. Thread Lifts can help address fine lines, wrinkles, and overall sagging while being minimally invasive.

Read on to learn about Silhouette InstaLift, and why it’s the ultimate alternative to traditional facelifts.

About Silhouette InstaLift

The Silhouette InstaLift, also referred to as a thread lift, is a non-surgical treatment to improve the appearance of facial sagging and visible signs of aging using dissolvable surgical threads. These threads lift the underlying tissues of the facial structure that the loss of collagen and aging has impacted. Collagen production is then stimulated once these threads are inserted and securely anchored. Patients can expect roughly 20% of the results of a surgical facelift with a thread lift, all without invasive surgery or downtime. The Silhouette InstaLift uses the insertion of threads to mildly lift and tighten the underlying muscles on the cheeks, jawline, and neck. The minimally invasive treatment provides natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Pros of Silhouette InstaLift

Silhouette InstaLift is a unique dual-action treatment that produces two desirable facial outcomes. First, an immediate lifting of the tissue in the mid-face area directly results from the inserted sutures. Second, the gradual regeneration of collagen then adds volume and gradually improves over time.

Immediate Lifting Effects

You can expect an immediate lifting effect that is noticeable while also discreet. After the sutures are inserted, your physician will make any necessary adjustments to achieve the desired elevation. Once in place, bi-directional cones on the sutures will actively hold it in place. The immediate results will leave you with a contoured and more youthful appearance.

Gradual Regeneration of Collagen

Silhouette InstaLift sutures are placed in the subcutaneous tissue and stimulate fibroblast activation to produce Type I and Type II collagen continuously. The sutures are made from a material that is well known in the biomedical industry and has been used for pharmaceutical applications for more than 30 years.

Cons of Thread Lifts

There are limitations of thread lifts that should be considered when deciding between Silhouette InstaLift and a traditional facelift.

Results Are More Temporary Than Permanent

The effects of a conventional facelift may be seen for as long as ten years, whereas a thread lift can be expected to last between six months to two years.

Effects Are Primarily For Initial Signs of Aging 

An important limitation to realize is that treat lifts can minimally alter the degree of sagging. Only mild aging signs can be effectively treated with this technique. The people most likely to benefit from a thread lift are generally those aged 35-55.

The Treatment Is Not Non-Invasive

Thread lifts are still considered a minor surgical procedure by many providers because the treatment is not non-invasive. Once the skin is cut for the threads to be placed, there is a minor risk of infection, bruising, temporary discomfort, and temporary numbness.

Effects Aren’t Drastic 

While subtle effects may be a negative aspect of a medical thread lift, the subtle results of a thread lift may be appealing for those who prefer a less dramatic change. It all depends on individual preference.

Thread Lifts Vs. Facelifts

Thread lifts and facelifts are two anti-aging treatments that produce different results. A thread lift is less invasive and more cost-effective than a surgical facelift, which may appeal to a younger crowd looking for minor cosmetic enhancements or “quick fixes.” On the other hand, a facelift is a more permanent solution to aging concerns; it can target all areas of the face and visibly take more years off a client’s face than a thread lift.

Which Procedure Is Right For You?

Both Thread Lifts and Facelifts are suited for those in good physical health with realistic expectations. Candidates with noticeable and significant aging indicators, including excessive sagging, deep creases, jowls, and drooping skin under the chin, may be better suited for facelift surgery. The Silhouette InstaLift is the ideal treatment for younger patients experiencing the onset of facial aging and skin laxity. Patients who have already undergone facelift surgery but require a “touch-up” due to further skin laxity can also benefit from the Silhouette InstaLift.

If you are ready for a convenient and effective way to restore your youthful skin, contact Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa today to schedule a Silhouette InstaLift consultation.