15+ years of experience

The Best Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Treatments of 2022

Slim woman showing toned abs and thighs.

When it comes to permanent fat reduction, not only is non-surgical treatment a reality, but you have choices! In fact, modern treatments are anything but one-size-fits-all. Each of these high-tech possibilities can be utilized to target very specific concerns, meaning you can tailor your treatment to your individual needs.

Why Choose a Non-Surgical Approach to Fat Reduction

There is no question that non-surgical fat reduction procedures have their benefits. Unlike surgery, these techniques do not require general anesthesia, so they do not incur the risks associated with it. Similarly, because non-surgical options are minimally invasive, there is minimal recovery associated with these procedures. This means very little downtime.

Other benefits include less pain and discomfort as well as very quick procedure times (usually less than an hour, depending on the treatment you choose). Lastly, results often appear slowly over time. While instantaneous results may seem like an advantage, many patients prefer that their results come on slowly, making it less obvious that they’ve “had work done.”

Modern Fat Reduction Methods

Not too long ago, minimally invasive, non-surgical fat removal was a new technology with limited options. But now, you can consider multiple cutting-edge therapies.

Best for Quick Results: Liposonix

before and after liposonix

If you want to slim down fast without surgery, Liposonix is a treatment to consider. This targeted treatment uses ultrasound technology to deliver heat energy that destroys fat cells. The dead fat cells are reabsorbed by the body and removed over the next several weeks.

This treatment also affects collagen, resulting in tighter skin in addition to fat reduction. Results are visible a few weeks following just one treatment.

Best for Toning and Sculpting: EmSculpt Neo

before and after emsculpt neo

If you want to condense months of hard workouts in the gym into a few 30-minute sessions, this treatment might be right for you.

EmSculpt Neo features incredible dual-action body contouring. This cutting-edge treatment combined radiofrequency with HIFEM+, melting away fat with heat energy while almost instantly building muscle by inducing intense, rapid muscle contractions.

Best for Loose Skin and Fat Reduction: Exilis Ultra 360

exilis ultra arms

If you are concerned about the appearance of loose skin as well as excess fat, Exilis Ultra is another dual-action therapy with impressive results.

The technology in Exilis Ultra combines ultrasound and radio frequency energy to hit multiple layers of skin. The treatment promotes collagen production, noticeably tightening skin. An added benefit is that this option is so gentle it can be used just about anywhere on the body.

Best for Cellulite: Thermage

If you are plagued by cellulite, you are not alone. Unfortunately, cellulite is notoriously difficult to treat. Many fat reduction techniques, including liposuction surgery, don’t have the impact on visible cellulite that we wish they would. This I because cellulite is a unique type of fat. Fat located within the structures created by collagen can bulge and dimple.

Thermage utilizes heat to reach deep beneath the skin’s surface. This therapy increases blood flow and elasticity, firms skin, and diminishes the appearance of cellulite.

Best for a Double Chin: Kybella

kybella before and after new

If body contouring is not your main concern, but rather you are bothered by a double chin, a simple injectable treatment might be all you need. Kybella injections break down the fat under your chin, resulting in a slimmer appearance with just 2-4 sessions.

Which Fat Reduction Treatment is Best for Me?

Always talk to a trusted and experienced professional when it comes to any type of fat-reduction technique. At Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa, we can help you choose which option is the best for you. Schedule a consultation with our fat reduction experts today.