15+ years of experience

Which Laser Treatment Is Right For Me?

Laser Treatment Options

When it comes to in-office laser treatments, it can seem as if there is a laser for just about everything! While this is incredible for addressing a range of skin issues, it can be extremely overwhelming to determine what laser treatment is right for you just by searching on the internet.

The first step in reaching your skincare goals is to assess your concerns and schedule a consultation appointment with Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa to discuss your treatment options. In the meantime, read on to learn what laser treatments may be ideal for you and your concerns before your appointment.

If You Have Aging Skin With Fine Lines, Wrinkles, and Rough Texture

For those concerned with the tell-tale signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and rough skin texture, Fraxel Laser Skin Resurfacing can help you press the reset button on your skin. The Fraxel Laser works by stimulating your skin to remove damaged collagen and elastin and replace it with new, fresh tissue. Your results will be a significant and noticeable improvement in tone, texture, pore size, color, and overall skin quality. Love your immediate results? Gradual improvements will also be seen over the course of several months as collagen production is stimulated!

For Sun Damaged Skin

Solar keratosis, or actinic keratoses, are rough, scaly patches on the skin that are caused by years of frequent sun exposure. For patients present with extensive sun damage, these rough patches can present themselves on areas of the face and scalp. Red in color, these spots also often have lentigines, dark and light areas of sun damage, and sometimes solar elastosis where they have yellow areas and papular areas. Sun damage can extend over the scalp, forehead, face, neck, chest, ears, and on the backs of the hands. For those suffering from extensive sun damage, or even minor sun damage, Fraxel Laser Skin Resurfacing

For First-Timers

Clear+Brilliant is a relatively new laser treatment. Similar to Fraxel Laser Skin Rejuvenation, this unique laser is going to target fine lines, shrink pores, and help reduce pigmentation. Clear+Brilliant is the ideal treatment for first-timers because there is no required downtime. This treatment works on any skin type and skin tone, making it a great alternative to Intense Pulsed Light (PIL). A series of treatments is recommended, and ongoing treatments will be necessary to maintain your results.

If Unwanted Body Hair Is Your Issue

Unwanted and unruly body hair can lead to constant frustration. Waxing, shaving, and plucking can all remove unwanted hair; however, your efforts will always be temporary. Permanent hair removal with Candela GentleMax Pro is ideal for anyone tired of spending hours to achieve smooth skin and for those who are prone to red spots and ingrown hairs.

To Address a Broad Variety of Aging Concerns

Having the desire to fade pigmentation left behind from acne, sun spots, or even scars, you can look to Cutera XEO to address a wide variety of aging concerns. Cutera XEO Laser Therapy is an effective treatment that will help to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines and make you look years younger by improving your skin’s elasticity. Making scars less visible, rebuilding broken capillaries, and treating rosacea are just some of the many benefits to this laser therapy.

Still Unsure Which Laser Treatment Is Right For You?

The best way to find out which treatment is best for you is to have a consultation with Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa. One the surface, a lot of these lasers have similarities between them, but they’re all very diverse. The treatment that is best for you will be based on several factors, including the conditions you’re trying to treat, the severity of them, as well as your budget.

To learn which treatment is best for you, call Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa today!