Skin Tightening

As the years pass, none of us are immune to the effects of time. Loose skin is one of the most discouraging side effects of aging – as the skin sags, our features change, we look older than we really are, and our confidence takes a hit. Today, patients don’t have to take invasive measures to gently lift and tighten sagging skin. Nonsurgical procedures deliver various types of energy deep within the skin, stimulating production of connective tissues. In the months after treatment, skin perks back up, creating a naturally youthful-looking complexion.

All of the skin tightening technologies we utilize are FDA-approved and comprehensively researched, and provide lasting results with a safe procedure.

eye tightening results

Thermage | Ultherapy | Exilis Ultra 360

Which Skin Tightening Procedure Is Right for My Skin?

We can’t answer personalized questions without taking a look at your skin and discussing your goals. But there are a few distinct differences between the three technologies that will help you get an idea of which might be a comfortable fit.

  • Energy type: Thermage – radiofrequency, Ultherapy – ultrasound, Exilis Ultra – ultrasound combined with radiofrequency
  • Treatment area: Thermage – more broad (good for large areas) with heat that disperses instead of narrowing, Ultherapy – more focused (good for delicate areas) with heat that narrows into a focal point, Exilis Ultra – appropriate for a wide range of areas across the body
  • Aesthetic concern: Thermage – best for wrinkles resulting from loose skin, Ultherapy – best for sagging skin with few to no wrinkles, Exilis Ultra – best for areas that would benefit from both tightening and toning
  • Depth of treatment: Thermage – more shallow, Ultherapy – deeper, reaching below the dermis, Exilis Ultra – can be adjusted to target both superficial and deep layers of the skin.

Our Own Patients’ Treatment Results

before and after ultherapy

Before and 14 months after Ultherapy for the lower face/upper neck

before and after ultherapy

Before and after Ultherapy for the lower face and full neck

before and after ultherapy

Before, 2 months after and 6 months after Ultherapy for the full face and full neck


Thermage Skin Tightening

Thermage employs radio frequency technology to heat the skin’s collagen. That heating kicks a few natural responses into action, leading to the skin contracting and thickening old collagen while working toward new collagen production. In the 4-12 months after treatments, patients see tighter, smoother skin with revitalized collagen structure beneath the surface. Thermage is the only FDA-approved technology appropriate for skin tightening around the eyes, which is a popular area to combat crows’ feet. There is no downtime, and results can last for years to come.

Ultherapy Mini Lift

Ultherapy delivers focused ultrasound energy to target aging skin. Slightly more intense than the medical ultrasounds you may have received in the past, Ultherapy prompts renewed collagen growth and resulting skin tightening. Approved for use on the face and upper neck, Ultherapy can create effects similar to that of a surgical mini lift. It may be used to create a nonsurgical browlift, and is especially effective for patients with skin laxity but few wrinkles.

Exilis Ultra with Femme 360

Interested in treating areas outside of Thermage and Ultherapy’s target spots? Curious about combining energy types to maximize results? The Exilis Ultra with Femme 360 could be the answer. This device uses both radio frequency and ultrasound energy to accomplish tightening and toning of the skin. Uniquely, it’s available to use for areas across the body, ranging from the face and neck to the abdomen to more. Treatment is typically pain-free, and there is no downtime afterwards. Discover the next generation of skin tightening technology.

Our patients have seen fulfilling transformations to loose skin without ever going under the knife. Get in touch to learn more about whether nonsurgical skin tightening is right for you.