

A double chin can be incredibly frustrating. Diet and exercise don’t seem to make a difference, and you spend your days trying to minimize the area underneath your chin and at the top of your neck. Life is short – don’t spend it covering up and feeling self-conscious. Nonsurgical double chin treatment is as simple as KYBELLA®.

Say hello to a new kind of injection. Kybella breaks down unwanted fat to slim the chin and leave your profile sleeker. Containing deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally-occurring molecule that is found in the body, this injection both destroys problem fat and helps the body harmlessly absorb it. After you’ve completed your treatments, results will hold – retreatment typically is not necessary.

before and after Kybella before and after Kybella
before and after Kybella before and after Kybella
before and after Kybella before and after Kybella

How Kybella Treats Double Chins

Also known as submental fullness, the double chin is a highly common problem, yet it often goes untreated. Reasons for low treatment rates can range from a perceived lack of comfortable options to a belief that dieting or exercise will ultimately improve the double chin. But for many patients, no amount of weight loss has an impact on that problem area. Both men and women experience submental fullness, with factors like aging, genetics and weight gain leading to additional fatty tissue.

According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery:

  • 67% of people are bothered by the area below their chin
  • People are as bothered by a double chin as they are by wrinkles on the face

Don’t put up with a chin you hate. In just 2-4 treatment sessions, you’ll see an improvement in the size of your chin and the area beneath. Patients may receive up to 6 treatments, each spaced at least one month apart. After treatment, you may experience mild swelling, bruising, discomfort, numbness, redness, or hardness. Outside of those common side effects, patients are able to get back to daily activities right away and will begin seeing results in the weeks following.

Am I a Candidate for Double Chin Injections?

Your provider will discuss your health and medical conditions prior to administering Kybella. A wide variety of patients fits the target candidate. But Kybella is typically safest for patients who have not yet treated their double chin with other methods.

Curious about Kybella? We would love to tell you more about this simple path to double chin reduction – simply contact us.