

Sometimes, concentrated exfoliation is all you need for skin success. If you’re feeling unhappy with signs of aging and sun damage, struggling with acne or scarring, or hoping to improve skin tone and texture, microdermabrasion could be optimal. With no downtime or discomfort following treatment, it’s easy to see why so many patients choose this simple procedure.

The outer layer of your skin benefits from routine exfoliation. Microdermabrasion takes that action a step further with the use of a crystal-embedded wand. The physical polishing leaves your skin smoother, healthier, and renewed.

Microdermabrasion Benefits

Safely treat or diminish:

…and it does so without forcing downtime or restricting your activities. Skin might be slightly red and sensitive for a few hours, but that will quickly fade. We typically recommend a series of treatments for the best results, scheduled at 1-2 month intervals. Combining microdermabrasion with a chemical peel may be the right approach to achieve optimum changes to the skin.

Melasma, which can be tricky to treat properly because irritation can increase pigmentation, responds especially well.

Home Microdermabrasion Treatments vs. Professional Application

There are many home microdermabrasion kits available for personal treatment, but these aren’t going to provide the same results (or be as safe) as in-office treatment.

  • Our microdermabrasion machine is carefully controlled and provides predictable, safe results.
  • These machines not only exfoliate, buff and polish the skin, but also gently suction loose skin cells from the face.
  • If you try the same at home, you’re going to require more frequent treatments to see similar results.

It’s always the best policy to take advantage of professional care, rather than try something new on your own. You can be certain that you’re receiving a cosmetic procedure that is safe for your skin and will lead to your ideal outcome.

If you’re hoping to boost the benefits of your routine anti-aging care, microdermabrasion is an excellent option for patients of many different skin types. Learn more by connecting with our staff today.